C4 Seniors Tour Event 4 at Lakeview Bowl
Tournament Date - April 27, 2025
Registration - 8:30 am Tournament Start - 9:00 am
Tournament Location:
Lakeview Bowl, 109 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 3G3
Tournament Information: -
Registration: 8:30 am Start Time: 9:00 am
Entry Deadline: Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Please note registrations will be cut off after 96 entires.
$110 for POA Only or Scratch Only.
$155 for Both.
Payments can be made by cash, cheque, e-transfer to office@mbao.ca, or by credit card.
Please note, additional credit card charges do apply.
Credit Card Transaction Fee
Charges Between Fee
$0 – $50 No Charge
$51 – $100 $1
$101 – $200 $2
$201 – $300 $3
$301 – $400 $4
Greater than $401 $5
Tournament Format: This is a Seniors Division Aggregate Event. Players will play five (5) games with the option of playing a Scratch, POA or Both Formats. At the end of the five (5) games winners will be determined as Men’s and Women’s POA and Men’s and Women’s Scratch.
Dress Code: Please see the dress code under the Membership tab for full details, or click here.
National Team Selections: Players in the Seniors Division must play in at least 3 of 4 aggregate events and will count their highest 3 POA and Scratch Totals out of the 4 Events.
The Seniors Team representing Southern Ontario at the Nationals this season will consist of the Top Male and Female in both the POA and Scratch Aggregates plus once additional Wildcard player. This season the Wildcard spot with be the second place position in the Men’s POA. (2025 – Men’s POA, 2026 – Women’s POA, 2027 – Men’s Scratch, 2028 – Women’s Scratch) The top POA qualifier will also be the Seniors Division singles representative. The 2024 MBAC Nationals will be in Vancouver, British Columbia from June 22, 2025 – June 28, 2025.
Register -
Cancel Registration -
- Anderson, Neil
- Andic, Margaret
- Baker, Rick
- Biscardi, David
- Bray, Charlie
- Chapman, Barb
- Closs, Al
- Conti, John
- Coombs-Ronaldson, Kathleen
- Corbet, Marianne
- Coull, Don
- Delaney, Barb
- DeWitt, Nancy
- Dixon, Tim
- Dudgeon, Rob
- Dunn, Geoff
- Francis, Richard
- Freiday, Elaine
- Gergely, Pam
- Hammond, Chris
- Harris, Julie
- Head, Jim
- Horton, Sandi
- Joudrey, Joan
- Kamienik, Jason
- Kamienik, Stephanie
- Kilbourne, Lynn
- LaRocque, Suzanne
- Lawrence, Brian
- Lewis, Brian
- Little, Terry
- Lutes, Sherry
- Luther, Julia
- MacLean, Eric
- McDonald, Glen
- McGregor, Rob
- Mulvihill, Sheila
- murray, colin
- Murrell, Barbara
- Mystyk, Jim
- Nudelman, David
- Oldridge, Ken
- Oldridge, Thelma
- Pankoff, Brenda
- Perkins, Sheri
- Rainville, Sue
- Roberts, Rasa
- Ronaldson, Jim
- Smith, Kevin
- Smith, Tracy
- Stevens, Geoff
- Stockill, Bill
- Tavani, Joe
- Toll, Cindy
- Vassos, Debbie
- Vassos, Rich
- Walters, Robert
- Wiebe, Pam